If you plan to keep more than one Sugar Glider it is advisable to raise them together from a young age as it can be difficult introducing unacquainted adults.
Be sure to have an appropriate cage
for your Sugar Glider. It is best to get the largest cage that you can afford to give your Sugar Gliders plenty of room to play around.
Before purchasing a sugar glider be sure to do some research on their nutritional needs. Sugar Gliders have some special dietary requirements that are important to follow to ensure your Sugar Glider in optimum health.
Remember Sugar Gliders are nocturnal animals, so if you plan on owning a Sugar Glider be prepared to have a pet that is most active during the night. Sugar Gliders make a chainsaw like sound, so you may want to place their cage
in an area where their talking does not disturb you while you sleep.
In spite of the fact that Sugar Gliders are nocturnal, they are usually happy to spend time with their owners during the day by sleeping in a pocket or pouch (bonding pouch). Many Sugar Glider owners find this trait particularly charming and take their little sugar glider pocket pets with them everywhere they go.
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